Sun Bright Property was found in 2012, and soon become the top reputable property companies in Manchester. We are interested in profit and efficiency, but as a family business, we strongly believe that warmth and sincerity are important likewise.

Mrs.Sun, the founder of Sun Bright Property, she started her real estate career from 2000, after earning rich experience, she found this company to serve more people. Now, the business has passed to her children.

We deeply know the fear and anticipation when facing a new city, and we also know how hard to rent an ideal house in the new city, because we have all experienced that, and that’s also the reason why we know how important it is to find a sincere and reliable real estate agency.

No matter you are a landlord or a tenant, we will surely put ourself in your position, soulful and empathic. Home is a word of happy, we wish you won’t be worried about your houses and your living any longer.

阳光房產公司成立于 2012 年,成立后迅速成为曼彻斯特口碑与信誉最好的地产公司之一。我们自然对商业、效率与盈利感兴趣,但作为一个家族企业,我们更相信,温暖、真诚与人性化是一个公司必须自始至终坚持的。

阳光房产创始人,孫璦琳女士, 从 2000年起经历过多次买房、盖房、装修、卖房与租房,积累了丰硕的经验后,成立阳光房产,以期许自身经验能服务更多人。如今,孫女士的孩子们在世界各地求学与租房后,接过衣钵,愿继续以诚意服务更多人。我们深知面对新城市时的惶恐与期待,我们深知在新城市租房的困难,因为这些我们都经历过;我们也深知找到一个真诚、靠谱、如亲友般的地产中介的重要性,因为我们也曾在异国他乡有过这份期待。
